
. Tuesday, August 13, 2013 .
I didn't actually pick this myself.  Doodles' grandparents picked it out of their trunk the other day when they were over for something, I can't for the life of me remember.  Oh yes, I traded some of my wine bottles for passion fruit pods.  They had been cleaning out a house and found these little dice.  We think they are made out of bone.  I LOVE them and they look pretty cool in the kitchen window.

I didn't actually pick this myself.  Doodles' grandparents picked it out of their trunk the other day when they were over for something, I can't for the life of me remember.  Oh yes, I traded some of my wine bottles for passion fruit pods.  They had been cleaning out a house and found these little dice.  We think they are made out of bone.  I LOVE them and they look pretty cool in the kitchen window.

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I can imagine that you are cracking up...thinking 'are these people crazy!' You won't be the first to think that. Let us know what you thought was a really cool idea...and maybe share some of your own ideas...where do you think we come up with all this cool stuff?

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