Bottles, Bottles Everywhere!

. Tuesday, March 20, 2012 .

This post is for friend in Old Milford that saves empty wine bottles for me.  Last year she supplied bottles for our bottle tree and this year enough bottles to line the two raised flower beds and the newest addition to the yard....the blue bottle bush.  I still have an idea for the big bed on the left of the yard that is going to take lots of bottles.  Keep 'em comin'!

This post is for friend in Old Milford that saves empty wine bottles for me.  Last year she supplied bottles for our bottle tree and this year enough bottles to line the two raised flower beds and the newest addition to the yard....the blue bottle bush.  I still have an idea for the big bed on the left of the yard that is going to take lots of bottles.  Keep 'em comin'!

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I can imagine that you are cracking up...thinking 'are these people crazy!' You won't be the first to think that. Let us know what you thought was a really cool idea...and maybe share some of your own ideas...where do you think we come up with all this cool stuff?

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