Radio Flyer

. Saturday, July 31, 2010 .
I'm thinking that there aren't to many more seasons for the wagon. She has rusted clear thru the front and the front wheels and handle are just sitting there propping up the rest of the wagon. This will probably be her final resting place. The front tires have no rubber on them at all. I know Mark found this but I can't remember where. I'll have to get back to you on that one.
I'm thinking that there aren't to many more seasons for the wagon. She has rusted clear thru the front and the front wheels and handle are just sitting there propping up the rest of the wagon. This will probably be her final resting place. The front tires have no rubber on them at all. I know Mark found this but I can't remember where. I'll have to get back to you on that one.

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I can imagine that you are cracking up...thinking 'are these people crazy!' You won't be the first to think that. Let us know what you thought was a really cool idea...and maybe share some of your own ideas...where do you think we come up with all this cool stuff?

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