Split Rails

. Saturday, May 15, 2010 .
Oh how I do love FreeCycle.org. I was able to email back within 30 minutes of the entry being posted. I think that is the key to getting what you see. We have been trying to decide what to do in the back of the way back flower bed. It stretches the width of the back yard. And does it ever need lots of work. So yesterday before Mark went to work he made a trip to West Chester, OH.He was able to pick up one pickup truck's worth of split fence railings. Then off to work he went. He wasn't there very long before he called to tell me how much money we had saved. Each railing costs about $9.00.

Then this morning, rather early, he was off to West Chester again for another truck load of rails. So we now are the proud owners of around 100 rails. We put in about a 12 hour day in the yard today. Our goal was to make a zig-zag fence about 5 rails high.

We have been weeding and moving plants around so it doesn't looks so crowded back there. Eventually we will add a brick path made from bricks we dug up. But for now we still need to work on the weeding.

While Mark was drilling holes, I was weeding and carrying rails. We only went thru three drill bits and two batteries. Thank heavens for neighbors with electric drills.

So here is the finished product. We love it! Now to finish the weeding. We hope to take the leaves that we have in the compost pile and mulch them up and use as mulch. Tomorrow , if it is not raining, we hope to put some kind of fencing down the vegetable bed side of the yard...and of course get rid of all the weeds.

If you haven't already checked out FreeCycle in your area, go check it out. Thanks BobbieJo We love our new fence.
Oh how I do love FreeCycle.org. I was able to email back within 30 minutes of the entry being posted. I think that is the key to getting what you see. We have been trying to decide what to do in the back of the way back flower bed. It stretches the width of the back yard. And does it ever need lots of work. So yesterday before Mark went to work he made a trip to West Chester, OH.He was able to pick up one pickup truck's worth of split fence railings. Then off to work he went. He wasn't there very long before he called to tell me how much money we had saved. Each railing costs about $9.00.

Then this morning, rather early, he was off to West Chester again for another truck load of rails. So we now are the proud owners of around 100 rails. We put in about a 12 hour day in the yard today. Our goal was to make a zig-zag fence about 5 rails high.

We have been weeding and moving plants around so it doesn't looks so crowded back there. Eventually we will add a brick path made from bricks we dug up. But for now we still need to work on the weeding.

While Mark was drilling holes, I was weeding and carrying rails. We only went thru three drill bits and two batteries. Thank heavens for neighbors with electric drills.

So here is the finished product. We love it! Now to finish the weeding. We hope to take the leaves that we have in the compost pile and mulch them up and use as mulch. Tomorrow , if it is not raining, we hope to put some kind of fencing down the vegetable bed side of the yard...and of course get rid of all the weeds.

If you haven't already checked out FreeCycle in your area, go check it out. Thanks BobbieJo We love our new fence.

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I can imagine that you are cracking up...thinking 'are these people crazy!' You won't be the first to think that. Let us know what you thought was a really cool idea...and maybe share some of your own ideas...where do you think we come up with all this cool stuff?

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