FreeCycle Makes It Happen

. Monday, January 17, 2011 .
Cassie called yesterday so excited.  They were on their way to a family hike in the Rocky Mountain National Park.  On the way on the side of the road was little house or roadside store and she saw a little chair with a cushion made out of a wheelbarrow.  And before I could ask her to get a picture she went into a dead zone. 
As soon as I hung up with Cassie I ran to the computer and got on FreeCycle.  It wasn't two hours until I got an email saying that there was a wheel borrow waiting for me in Anderson. So tonight I jumped in the van and headed west..go west young man is all I heard in my head.  Now if I am seeing Cassie's chair right, I plan to make one to sit out in the backyard in between some of the ornamental grasses with pine needle mulch...a hide out for Michael.  Should be really cool.
Cassie called yesterday so excited.  They were on their way to a family hike in the Rocky Mountain National Park.  On the way on the side of the road was little house or roadside store and she saw a little chair with a cushion made out of a wheelbarrow.  And before I could ask her to get a picture she went into a dead zone. 
As soon as I hung up with Cassie I ran to the computer and got on FreeCycle.  It wasn't two hours until I got an email saying that there was a wheel borrow waiting for me in Anderson. So tonight I jumped in the van and headed west..go west young man is all I heard in my head.  Now if I am seeing Cassie's chair right, I plan to make one to sit out in the backyard in between some of the ornamental grasses with pine needle mulch...a hide out for Michael.  Should be really cool.

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I can imagine that you are cracking up...thinking 'are these people crazy!' You won't be the first to think that. Let us know what you thought was a really cool idea...and maybe share some of your own ideas...where do you think we come up with all this cool stuff?

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